Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
468Enter Gonorill and Ragan.
470That prety piece, that thinks none good ynough
472She hath a little beauty extraordinary?
474I neuer saw her, that I can remember.
476I thinke, her dowry will be small ynough.
478As he will neuer be reclaymd agayne.
479Rag. I was not much behind to do the like.
484I tell you true, it cuts me to the heart.
485Rag. But we will keepe her low enough, I warrant,
486And clip her wings for mounting vp too hye.
489For they, men say, do loue faire women well,
B4 And
The History of King Leir
490And many times doe marry them with nothing.
492Rag. I meane, no money.
495Sheele lay her husbands Benefice on her back,
496Euen in one gowne, if she may haue her will.
499Well, I thinke long vntill I see my Morgan,
500The gallant Prince of Cambria, here arriue.
503Peace, here commeth my father.
504Enter Leir, Perillus and others.
506Our censure, which is now irreuocable.
508Vnto the Kings of Cambria and of Cornwall;
511As to make shipwrack of our kingly word.
512I am as kind as is the Pellican,
514And yet as ielous as the princely Eagle,
515That kils her young ones, if they do but dazell
517Within this two dayes I expect their comming
518But in good time, they are arriu'd already.
520The feruent loue you beare vnto my daughters:
521And think your selues as welcome to King Leir,
522As euer Pryams children were to him.
523Corn. My gracious Lord, and father too, I hope,
524Pardon, for that I made no greater haste :
and his three daughters.
528Then what my brother hath inform'd your Grace:
529For our vndeserued welcome, we do vowe,
530Perpetually to rest at your commaund.
532The Regent, and the Soueraigne of my soule,
533Is Cornwall welcome to your Excellency?
534Gon. As welcome, as Leander was to Hero,
535Or braue Aeneas to the Carthage Queene:
536So and more welcome is your Grace to me.
538Since heauens do know, my fancy is as much.
539Deare Ragan, say, if welcome vnto thee,
540All welcomes else will little comfort me.
541Rag. As gold is welcome to the couetous eye,
542As sleepe is welcome to the Traueller,
545Or any thing more welcomer then this,
546So and more welcome louely Morgan is.
548The celebration of these nuptiall Rites?
549My Kingdome I do equally deuide.
550Princes, draw lots, and take your chaunce as falles.
551Then they draw lots.
555And make you two my true adopted heyres:
557And take me to my prayers and my beades.
558I know, my daughter Ragan will be sorry,
560Would I were able to be with both at once;
565But loue or feare tyes silence to their toungs.
C Oh,
The History of King Leir
566Oh, heare me speake for her, my gracious Lord,
568As thus to disinherit her of all.
569Leir. Vrge this no more, and if thou loue thy life:
571To tell her father how she loueth him.
572Who euer speaketh hereof to mee agayne,
573I will esteeme him for my mortall foe.
574Come, let vs in, to celebrate with ioy,
575The happy Nuptialls of these louely payres.
576 Exeunt omnes, manet Perillus.
578The neere approch of their owne misery?
579Poore Lady, I extremely pitty her:
580And whilest I liue, eche drop of my heart blood,