Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
The History of King Leir
1404Am.Oh no, her griefe exceeds, vntill the time,
1405That she be reconcil'd vnto her father.
1406Gon. God continue it.
1407Am.What, madam?
1408Gon.Why, her health.
1410And send her father in a better mind,
1411Then to continue alwayes so vnkind.
1413And seeke all meanes to expiat his wrath.
1414Am. Madam, I hope your Grace will do the like.
1417Am.To expiate or mittigate his wrath:
1422Am. Then how, Madam?
1426And that thou hadst need of an Interpreter:
1427Well, I will know thy message ere't be long,
1429Corn.Come in, my friend, and frolick in our Court,
1431Enter Leir and Perillus.
1432Per. My Lord, you are vp to day before your houre,
1433Tis newes to you to be abroad so rathe.
1435That I can scarcely keepe my eye-lids open.