Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
2091Enter the Gallian King and Queene, and Mumford, with a
2092basket, disguised like Countrey folke.
2094Cannot be pleasing to your tender ioynts,
2096Cord. I neuer in my life tooke more delight
2097In any iourney, then I do in this:
2098It did me good, when as we hapt to light
2099Amongst the merry crue of country folke,
2101To win them commendations 'mongst their friends.
2103And in their quirks to go beyond the Moone,
2105That one would think they were beside their wits!
2106Come away, Roger, with your basket.
2107Mum. Soft, Dame, here comes a couple of old youthes,
2110Men much o'regone with griefe and misery.
2113Shall end our dayes in this vnfruitfull soyle.
2115And thou, I know, in little better case.
2117To comfort vs, vntill we meet with men:
2119Vnto a place where any comfort dwels.
2122Per. Ah, my deare Lord, how doth my heart lament,
2123To see you brought to this extremity!
2124O, if you loue me, as you do professe,
and his three daughters.
2127But there is vertue left to comfort you.
2128O, feed on this, if this will do you good
2135So dearely, as I do thy loyall loue.
2138And yet not thou dost make me to complayne,
2139But they which were more neere to me then thou.
2140Cor. What do I heare? this lamentable voyce,
2141Me thinks, ere now I oftentimes haue heard.
2142Leir. Ah, Gonorill, was halfe my Kingdomes gift
2144Ah, cruell Ragan, did I giue thee all,
2146Ah, poore Cordella, did I giue thee nought,
2147Nor neuer shall be able for to giue?
2148O, let me warne all ages that insueth,
2150Well, vnkind Girles, I here forgiue you both,
2151Yet the iust heauens will hardly do the like;
2152And only craue forgiuenesse at the end
2153Of good Cordella, and of thee, my friend;
2156Of her, deare heart, whom I for no occasion
2158Of thee, kind friend, who but for me, I know,
2159Hadst neuer come vnto this place of wo.
2161My noble father in this misery.
2162King. Sweet Loue, reueale not what thou art as yet,
2163Vntill we know the ground of all this ill.
H2 Cor. O,
The History of King Leir
2165How neere they are to death for want of food?
2168Oh, comfort, comfort! yonder is a banquet,
2169And men and women, my Lord: be of good cheare;
2170For I see comfort comming very neere.
2171O my Lord, a banquet, and men and women!
2172Leir. O, let kind pity mollify their hearts,
2173That they may helpe vs in our great extreames.
2176Euen for his sake that saued vs all from death,
2179And would it were far better for your sakes.
2180Perillus takes Leir by the hand to the table.
2181Per. Ile giue you thanks anon: my friend doth faynt,
2185Per.The ble}}d God of heauen hath thought vpon vs.
2188Cor.And may that draugh tbe vnto him, as was
2189That which old Eson dranke, which did renue
2190His withered age, and made him young againe.
2191And may that meat be vnto him, as was
2192That which Elias ate, in strength whereof
2193He walked fourty dayes, and neuer faynted.
2194Shall I conceale me longer from my father?
and his three daughters.
2204It hath recall'd my spirits home agayne,
2208But the best meane that I can think on, is this:
2209Ile offer them my dublet in requitall;
2213Perillus proffers his dublet: they will not take it.
2218Cor. Ah, good old father, tell to me thy griefe,
2219Ile sorrow with thee, if not adde reliefe.
2221For thou art like a daughter I did owe.
2225So haue I lost the title of a father,
2226And may be call'd a stranger to her rather.
2228A man may do as him list with his owne.
2229But haue you but one daughter then in all?
2230Leir. Yes, I haue more by two, then would I had.
2232They that are bad, may haue the grace to mend:
2235 'Twould make a heart of Adamant to weepe;
2236and thou, poore soule, kind-hearted as thou art,
2237Dost weepe already, ere I do begin.
2238Cor. For Gods loue tell it, and when you haue done,
2241And had three daughters by one louing wife:
H3 And
The History of King Leir
2244For her perfections hardly matcht could be:
2245On these I doted with a ielous loue,
2246And thought to try which of them lou'd me best,
2247By asking them, which would do most for me?
2249And vowd they lou'd me better then their liues:
2252And presently in an outragious mood,
2254And all I had, euen to the very clothes,
2255I gaue in dowry with the other two:
2257I gaue her nothing, but disgrace and care.
2258Now mark the sequell: When I had done thus,
2260Where for a time I was intreated well,
2262But euery day her kindnesse did grow cold,
2263Which I with patience put vp well ynough,
2267That in most vild and contumelious termes,
2269Then was I fayne for refuge to repayre
2270Vnto my other daughter for reliefe,
2273As neuer any daughter did before:
2274She prayd me in a morning out betime,
2275To go to a thicket two miles from the Court,
2276Poynting that there she would come talke with me:
2279Then iudge your selfe, although my tale be briefe,
2280If euer man had greater cause of griefe.
King. Nor
and his three daughters.
2281King. Nor neuer like impiety was done,
2282Since the creation of the world begun.
2284Of her, to whom I haue bin so vnkind;
2288It comes of God and her, not my desert.
2292Vsde me as ill as euer you did her;
2293Yet, that his reuerend age I once might see,
2294Ide creepe along, to meet him on my knee.
2295Leir. O, no mens children are vnkind but mine.
2297But looke, deare father, looke, behold and see
2307You gaue me life, you were the cause that I
2308Am what I am, who else had neuer bin.
2309Leir. But you gaue life to me and to my friend,
2311Cor. You brought me vp, when as I was but young,
2312And far vnable for to helpe my selfe.
2314And far vnable for to helpe thy selfe.
H4 And
The History of King Leir
2321As if you were the Monarch of the world.
2323Vntill I haue your blessing, and your pardon
2324Of all my faults committed any way,
2327Vnto the trybe of Iuda, light on thee,
2329Thy childrens children prosper after thee.
2330Thy faults, which are iust none that I do know,
2332Cor. Now is my heart at quiet, and doth leape
2333Within my brest, for ioy of this good hap:
2334And now (deare father) welcome to our Court,
2335And welcome (kind Perillus) vnto me,
2336Myrrour of vertue and true honesty.
2338That euer man had in aduersity.
2340I am so rauisht with exceeding ioy.
2342And in few words much matter here conclude: he kneeles.
2343If ere my heart do harbour any ioy,
2347Let me be counted for the periurdst man,
2352And do returne from thence without my wench,