Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
The History of King Leir
876For now I am so poore and full of want,
877As that I ne're can recompence thy loue.
879And men in fauour liue not most secure.
881I were the hatefulst excrement on the earth:
882Which well do know, in course of former time,
883How good my Lord hath bin to me and mine.
885Of all thy ancestors which were before?
889The due reuennues which thy father left?
890Per. I had ynough, my Lord, and hauing that,
891What should you need to giue me any more?
893And giue thee halfe my Kingdome in good will?
897For with good reason I can thee confute.
899Do owe to me the tribute of their liues;
900If they to whom I alwayes haue bin kinde,
901And bountifull beyond comparison;
902If they, for whom I haue vndone my selfe,
903And brought my age vnto this extreme want,