Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
and his three daughters.
453Then betweene vs we must needs haue the whole.
454Cam. The hole! how meane you that? Zlood, I hope,
455We shall haue two holes beweene vs.
456Corn. Why, the whole Kingdome.
457Cam. I, that's very true.
458Cor. What then is left for his third daughters dowry,
459Louely Cordella, whom the world admires?
461Vnlesse they meane to make a Nunne of her.
464But howsoe're, if Leirs words proue true,
465It will be good, my Lord, for me and you.
467For feare delayes doe alter his intent. Exeunt.
468Enter Gonorill and Ragan.
470That prety piece, that thinks none good ynough
472She hath a little beauty extraordinary?
474I neuer saw her, that I can remember.
476I thinke, her dowry will be small ynough.
478As he will neuer be reclaymd agayne.
479Rag. I was not much behind to do the like.
484I tell you true, it cuts me to the heart.
485Rag. But we will keepe her low enough, I warrant,
486And clip her wings for mounting vp too hye.
489For they, men say, do loue faire women well,
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