Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
and his three daughters.
73Yet to become so prouident a Prince,
74Lose not the title of a louing father:
75Do not force loue, where fancy cannot dwell,
79To try which of my daughters loues me best:
80Which till I know, I cannot be in rest.
81This graunted, when they ioyntly shall contend,
82Eche to exceed the other in their loue:
83Then at the vantage will I take Cordella,
87Accept a husband, whom my selfe will woo.
90Then will I tryumph in my policy,
91And match her with a King of Brittany.
93Per. Thus fathers think their children to beguile,
96Enter Gonorill and Ragan.
97Gon.I maruell, Ragan, how you can indure
99So slightly to account of vs, her elders,
100As if we were no better then her selfe!
102Or new made fashion, of our choyce inuention;
104Or study newer to exceed vs both.
107That all the Court hath worke ynough to do,
108To talke how she exceedeth me and you.
110To find a cure for this contagious ill:
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