Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
The History of King Leir
1933You need not hither come to aske for him,
1934You know where he is better then our selues.
1937No meanes to colour her detested deeds,
1939(Because he gaue her nothing to her dowre)
1940But by the colour of a fayn'd Ambassage,
1941To send him letters hither to our Court?
1942Go carry them to them that sent them hither,
1946And were it not, it is 'gainst law of Armes,
1949As should inforce thee to reueale the truth.
1950Am. Madam, your threats no whit apall my mind,
1952My King and Queene, I dare be sworne, are free
1953From any thought of such impiety:
1954And therefore, Madam, you haue done them wrong,
1956Who in meere duty tender him as much,
1958The King your husband will not say as much.
1960Till more apparance giue vs further light:
1961Yet to be playne, your comming doth inforce
1963And that you do resemble, to be briefe,
1969God and my King, I trust, ere it be long,
Rag. How