Peer Reviewed
- Edition: King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
and his three daughters.
2359And makes me in an agony of doubt,
2360For feare the world should find my dealing out.
2363O, could I get him for to make him sure,
2366Haue sau'd their liues, and made him to relent;
2367Then are they fled vnto the Court of Fraunce,
2371O God, that I had bin but made a man;
2372Or that my strength were equall with my will!
2374And melt as butter doth against the Sun.
2375Why should they haue preeminence ouer vs,
2376Since we are creatures of more braue resolue?
2377I sweare, I am quite out of charity
2379A poxe vpon them, when they are affrayd
2383My selfe would haue bin executioner:
2384Tis now vndone, and if that it be knowne,
2385Ile make as good shift as I can for one.
2386He that repines at me, how ere it stands,
2389Leir, Mumford and the army.
2391Whereas our ships are ready to receyue vs:
2396Wherefore, my louing Countreymen, resolue,
I That