111A chronicle of Briton kings, 22 From Brute to Uthers rayne. 33And rolles of Elfin Emperours, 44 Till time of Gloriane. 2Next him king
Leyr in happie peace long raynd,
55 But had no issue male him to succeed,
66 But three faire daughters, which were well uptraind,
77 In all that seemed fitt for kingly seed:
88 Mongst whom his realme he equally decreed
99 To have divided. Tho when feeble age
1010 Nigh to his utmost date he saw proceed,
1111 He cald his daughters; and with speeches sage
1212Inquyrd, which of them most did love her parentage.
31313The eldest
Gonorill gan to protest,
1414 That she much more then her owne life him lov'd:
1515 And
Regan greater love to him profest,
1616 Then all the world, when ever it were proov'd;
1717 But
Cordeill said she lov'd him, as behoov'd:
1818 Whose simple answere, wanting colours fayre
1919 To paint it forth, him to displeasance moov'd,
2020 That in his crowne he counted her no hayre,
2121But twixt the other twaine his kingdome whole did shayre.
42222So wedded th' one to
Maglan king of Scottes,
2323 And thother to the king of
2424 And twixt them shayrd his realme by equall lottes:
2525 But without dowre the wise
Cordelia 2626 Was sent to
Aggannip of
2727 Their aged Syre, thus eased of his crowne,
2828 A priuate life ledd in
2929 With
Gonorill, long had in great renowne,
3030That nought him griev'd to beene from rule deposed downe.
53131But true it is, that when the oyle is spent,
3232 The light goes out, and weeke is throwne away;
3333 So when he had resignd his regiment,
3434 His daughter gan despise his drouping day,
3535 And wearie wax of his continuall stay.
3636 Tho to his daughter
Regan he repayrd,
3737 Who him at first well used every way;
3838 But when of his departure she despayrd,
3939Her bountie she abated, and his cheare empayrd.