Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
The History of King Leir
188Cordella will be, when we answere thus:
190To ioyne in marriage with the Irish King:
191So will our father think, she loueth him not,
193Which we will aggrauate in such bitter termes,
194That he will soone conuert his loue to hate:
195For he, you know, is alwayes in extremes.
196Rag. Not all the world could lay a better plot,
198 Enter Leir and Perillus.
200Will them immediately come and speak with me.
202Leir. Oh, what a combat feeles my panting heart,
203 'Twixt childrens loue, and care of Common weale!
204How deare my daughters are vnto my soule,
205None knowes, but he, that knowes my thoghts & secret deeds.
206Ah, little do they know the deare regard,
207Wherein I hold their future state to come:
209These aged eyes do watch for their behalfe :
210While they like wantons sport in youthfull toyes,
211This throbbing heart is pearst with dire annoyes.
213So much the fathers loue exceeds the childs.
215Affords not children more conformable:
217I know not what; and yet I feare some ill.
218Enter Perillus, with the three daughters.
219Well, here my daughters come: I haue found out
220A present meanes to rid me of this doubt.
221Gon. Our royall Lord and father, in all duty,
222We come to know the tenour of your will,