Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
and his three daughters.
1440Pull out a booke and sit downe.
1441Per. Sheele not be long, I warrant you, my Lord:
1449For feruent prayer much ill hap withstands.
1451Yet was I ne're so heauy in my life.
1452They fall both asleepe.
1453Enter the Messenger or murtherer with two
1454daggers in his hands.
1456should meet me, and lay me downe in a ditch, and play robbe
1457thiefe with me, & perforce take my gold away from me, whilest
1459escape? Fayth, when I were at liberty againe, I would make no
1460more to do, but go to the next tree, and there hang my selfe.
1461See them and start.
1462But stay, me thinks, my youthes are here already,
1464I thinke, they know to what intent they came,
1465And are prouided for another world.
1466He takes their bookes away.
1468And in a maner put them to no payne;
1472This letter to them, ere I did the deed.
1474So shall I come vpon them vnawares.
1475They wake and rise.
F Per. I