Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
The History of King Leir
490And many times doe marry them with nothing.
492Rag. I meane, no money.
495Sheele lay her husbands Benefice on her back,
496Euen in one gowne, if she may haue her will.
499Well, I thinke long vntill I see my Morgan,
500The gallant Prince of Cambria, here arriue.
503Peace, here commeth my father.
504Enter Leir, Perillus and others.
506Our censure, which is now irreuocable.
508Vnto the Kings of Cambria and of Cornwall;
511As to make shipwrack of our kingly word.
512I am as kind as is the Pellican,
514And yet as ielous as the princely Eagle,
515That kils her young ones, if they do but dazell
517Within this two dayes I expect their comming
518But in good time, they are arriu'd already.
520The feruent loue you beare vnto my daughters:
521And think your selues as welcome to King Leir,
522As euer Pryams children were to him.
523Corn. My gracious Lord, and father too, I hope,
524Pardon, for that I made no greater haste :