Internet Shakespeare Editions

About this text

  • Title: The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
  • Editor: Andrew Griffin

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editor: Andrew Griffin
    Peer Reviewed

    The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)

    and his three daughters.
    And therefore speake, looke, kisse, salute for me;
    In these my selfe am like to second thee.
    Now heare thy taske. I charge thee from the time
    380That first we set sayle for the Brittish shore,
    To vse no words of dignity to me,
    But in the friendliest maner that thou canst,
    Make vse of me as thy companion:
    For we will go disguisde in Palmers weeds,
    385That no man shall mistrust vs what we are.
    Mum. If that be all, ile fit your turne, I warrant you. I am
    some kin to the Blunts, and I think, the bluntesstof all my kin-
    dred; therfore if I bee too blunt with you, thank your selfe for
    praying me to be so.
    390King. Thy pleasant company will make the way seeme short.
    It resteth now, that in my absence hence,
    I do commit the gouernment to you
    My trusty Lords and faythfull Counsellers.
    Time cutteth off the rest I haue to say:
    395The wynd blowes fayre, and I musstneeds away.
    Nobles. Heauens send your voyage to as good effect,
    As we your land do purpose to protect. Exeunt.
    Enter the King of Cornwall and his man booted and
    spurd, a riding wand, and a letter in his hand.
    400 Corn. But how far distant are we from the Court?
    Ser. Some twenty miles, my Lord, or thereabouts.
    Corn. It seemeth to me twenty thousand myles:
    Yet hope I to be there within this houre.
    Ser. Then are you like to ride alone for me. to him-selfe.
    405I thinke, my Lord is weary of his life.
    Corn. Sweet Gonorill, I long to see thy face,
    Which hast so kindly gratified my loue.
    Enter the King of Cambria booted and spurd, and his
    man with a wand and a letter.
    410Cam. Get a fresh horse: for by my soule I sweare, He lookes
    on the
    I am past patience, longer to forbeare
    The wished sight of my beloued mistris,
    Deare Ragan, stay and comfort of my life.
    Ser. Now what in Gods name doth my Lord intend? to him-selfe