Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
and his three daughters.
2127But there is vertue left to comfort you.
2128O, feed on this, if this will do you good
2135So dearely, as I do thy loyall loue.
2138And yet not thou dost make me to complayne,
2139But they which were more neere to me then thou.
2140Cor. What do I heare? this lamentable voyce,
2141Me thinks, ere now I oftentimes haue heard.
2142Leir. Ah, Gonorill, was halfe my Kingdomes gift
2144Ah, cruell Ragan, did I giue thee all,
2146Ah, poore Cordella, did I giue thee nought,
2147Nor neuer shall be able for to giue?
2148O, let me warne all ages that insueth,
2150Well, vnkind Girles, I here forgiue you both,
2151Yet the iust heauens will hardly do the like;
2152And only craue forgiuenesse at the end
2153Of good Cordella, and of thee, my friend;
2156Of her, deare heart, whom I for no occasion
2158Of thee, kind friend, who but for me, I know,
2159Hadst neuer come vnto this place of wo.
2161My noble father in this misery.
2162King. Sweet Loue, reueale not what thou art as yet,
2163Vntill we know the ground of all this ill.
H2 Cor. O,