Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
1808Enter the King and Queene of Gallia, & Mumford.
1810And our kind greetings sent to him of late:
1811Therefore my mind presageth ere't be long,
1812We shall receyue from Brittayne happy newes.
1814For she to me hath always bin vnkind.
1817If hee'le not come to Gallia vnto vs,
1818Then we will sayle to Brittayne vnto him.
Mum. Well,
and his three daughters.
1820I haue sworne, ile ne're come home without my wench,
1821And ile not be forsworne,
1822Ile rather neuer come home while I liue.
1825Ile take her at all aduentures, if I can get her.
1826Cord. I, that's well put in.
1827Mum.Well put in? nay, it was ill put in; for had it
1828Bin as well put in, as ere I put in, in my dayes,
1829I would haue made her follow me to Fraunce.
1834And able to make a wench do more then she would do.
1836Will hold all your mocks.
1847Mum. Well, you are two to one, ile giue you ouer:
1852Therefore you owe it me, and you shall pay it me,
1855Mum. Fayth, nothing but this,
1856That the next fayre weather, which is very now,
G2 You
The History of King Leir
1858Which is very neere.
1859King. Fayth, in this motion I will ioyne with thee,
1860And be a mediator to my Queene.
1861Prithy, my Loue, let this match go forward,
1862My mind foretels, 'twill be a lucky voyage.
1863Cor. Entreaty needs not, where you may cōmaund,
1864So you be pleasde, I am right well content:
1869Mum. And I the third: oh, I am ouer-ioyed!
1870See what loue is, which getteth with a word,
1871What all the world besides could ne're obtayne!
1874Like a playne country couple, and you shall be Roger
1875Our man, and wayt vpon vs: or if you will,
1877Mum. 'Twere more then time; this deuice is excellent.