Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
The History of King Leir
1173See how her colour comes and goes agayne,
1175See how she knits her brow, and bytes her lips,
1177Mixt with reuenge, and violent extreames.
1178Here will be more worke and more crownes for me.
1180And is he now come hither, with intent
1181To set diuorce betwixt my Lord and me?
1182Doth he giue out, that he doth heare report,
1183That I do rule my husband as I list,
1185That I shall know my Lord to be my head?
1186Well, it were best for him to take good heed,
1187Or I will make him hop without a head,
1188For his presumption, dottard that he is.
1189In Cornwall he hath made such mutinies,
1192That had he there continued any longer,
1196And now already since his coming hither,
1197My Lord and he are growne in such a league,
1198That I can haue no conference with his Grace:
1199I feare, he doth already intimate
1203It is too late for them to be reuerst.
1207But that (I hope) she found me alwayes faythfull:
1208So will I be to any friend of hers,
1209That hath occasion to imploy my helpe