Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
944Enter Cornwall, Gonorill, and attendants.
945Corn. Ah, Gonorill, what dire vnhappy chaunce
D2 Hath
The History of King Leir
947That no report can yet be heard of him?
949Exceeding far the bounds of patience:
951He would forsake vs without notice made.
953Or who hath interest in this griefe, but I,
955But that I know his qualities so well?
958And spend a little time with her, to note
959How all things goe, and how she likes her choyce:
961And vnawares returne to vs agayne.
962Therefore, my Lord, be frolick, and resolue
963To see my father here agayne e're long.
968And temper him before he doth depart,
971And make my Lord cease further to inquire.
974He happely may, by trauelling vnknowne wayes,
976Be dead and buried: would God it were so well;
977For then there were no more to do, but this,
978He went away, and none knowes where he is.
979But say he be in Cambria with the King,
980And there exclayme against me, as he will:
982As water is into a broken ship.
and his three daughters.
985That all the blame shall be remou'd from me,
986And vnperceiu'd rebound vpon himselfe.
987Thus with one nayle another Ile expell,
988And make the world iudge, that I vsde him well.
989Enter the Messenger that should go to Cambria,
990With a letter in his hand.
992Mes. To Cambria, Madam, with letters frō the king.
993Gon. To whom?
994Mess. Vnto your father, if he be there.
997Betweene me and my neck-verse, if I be
998Calld in question, for opening the Kings letters.
999Gon. 'Twas I that opened them, it was not thou.
1002And when a man's hang'd, all the world cannot saue him.
1003Gon. He that hangs thee, were better hang his father,
1004Or that but hurts thee in the least degree.
1005I tell thee, we make great account of thee.
1007Kind Queene, had I a hundred liues, I would
1008Spend ninety nyne of them for you, for that word.
1010And that's as many as thou art like to haue.
1011Mes. That one life is not too deare for my good Queene; this
1015thing, tye me to a dung cart, and make a Scauengers horse of
1016me, and whip me, so long as I haue any skin on my back.
1017Gon.In token of further imployment, take that.
1020in law: if I keepe not the condition, let my necke be the forfey-
1021ture of my negligence.
D3 Gon. I
The History of King Leir
1024at Billinsgate hath: why, I haue made many of my neighbours
1027our parish: My toung being well whetted with choller, is more
1028sharpe then a Razer of Palerno.
1033the Kings letters to my father, carry thou these letters to my
1038riance, and made mutinyes amongst the commons.
1044This do, thou winst my fauour for euer,
1045And makest a hye way of preferment to thee
1046And all thy friends.
1048I will so toung-whip him, that I will
1049Leaue him as bare of credit, as a Poulter
1051Gon. Yet there is a further matter.
1054importeth, to make him away, hast thou the heart to
1058kisse the paper.
and his three daughters.