Internet Shakespeare Editions

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  • Title: The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
  • Editor: Andrew Griffin

  • Copyright Queen's Men Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-profit purposes; for all other uses contact the Editor.
    Author: Anonymous
    Editor: Andrew Griffin
    Peer Reviewed

    The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)

    The History of King Leir
    Ile not stand to do you a pleasure: here's a good strōg motly ga-
    2010berdine, cost me xiiij. good shillings at Billinsgate, giue me your
    gowne for it, & your cap for mine, & ile forgiue your passage.
    Leir.With al my heart, and xx. thanks. Leir & he changeth.
    2. Mar. Do you heare, sir? you shal haue a better match thē he,
    because you are my friend: here is a good sheeps russet sea-
    2015gowne, wil bide more stresse, I warrant you, then two of his, yet
    for you seem to be an honest gentleman, I am content to chāge
    it for your cloke, and aske you nothing for your passage more.
    Pull off Perillus cloke.
    Per. My owne I willingly would change with thee,
    2020And think my selfe indebted to thy kindnesse:
    But would my friend might keepe his garment still.
    My friend, ile giue thee this new dublet, if thou wilt
    Restore his gowne vnto him back agayne.
    1. Mar. Nay, if I do, would I might ne're eate powderd beefe
    2025and mustard more, nor drink Can of good liquor whilst I liue.
    My friend, you haue small reason to seeke to hinder me of my
    bargaine: but the best is, a bargayne's a bargayne.
    Leir. Kind friend, it is much better as it is; Leir to Perillus.
    For by this meanes we may escape vnknowne.
    2030Till time and opportunity do fit.
    2. Mar. Hark, hark, they are laying their heads together,
    Theile repent them of their bargayne anon,
    'Twere best for vs to go while we are well.
    1. Mar. God be with you, sir, for your passage back agayne,
    2035Ile vse you as vnreasonable as another.
    Leir. I know thou wilt; but we hope to bring ready money
    With vs, when we come back agayne. Exeunt Mariners.
    Were euer men in this extremity,
    In a strange country, and deuoyd of friends,
    2040And not a penny for to helpe our selues?
    Kind, friend, what thinkst thou will become of vs?
    Per. Be of good cheere, my Lord, I haue a dublet,
    Will yeeld vs mony ynough to serue our turnes,
    Vntill we come vnto your daughters Court:
    2045And then, I hope, we shall find friends ynough.
    Leir. Ah, kind Perillus, that is it I feare,