Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
and his three daughters.
2593Within the thicket two long houres and more.
2594Rag.What houres? what thicket?
2596Seald with your hand, to send vs both to heauen,
2597Where, as I thinke, you neuer meane to come.
2598Raga. Alas, you are growne a child agayne with age,
2602But neuer wake more till the latter day.
2605You get no other answere at their hands.
2606Tis pitty two such good faces
2607Should haue so little grace betweene them.
2608Well, let vs see if their husbands with their hands,
2609Can do as much, as they do with their toungs.
2614Sound alarum: excursions. Mumford must chase Cambria
2615away : then cease. Enter Cornwall.
2620Enter Cambria.
2621Cam.I thinke, there is a deuill in the Campe hath haunted
2623more. Enter Mumford.
2625Mumford followes him to the dore, and returnes.
2627Thou hast a light and nimble payre of legs:
2628Thou art more in debt to them then to thy hands:
2629But if I meet thee once agayne to day,
I4 Alarums