Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
The History of King Leir
2554Be sute to buy it at as deare a price,
2555As ere you bought presumption in your liues.
2556King. Ore-daring Cornwall, know, we came in right,
2557And iust reuengement of the wronged King,
2558Whose daughters there, fell vipers as they are,
2559Haue sought to murder and depriue of life:
2561And we are come in iustice of his right.
2564Thy slaunders to our noble vertuous Queenes,
2565Wee'l in the battell thrust them down thy throte,
2566Except for feare of our reuenging hands,
2573Me thinks, an old man ready for to dye,
2576To call our father lyer to his face.
2579Anon, when as I haue you in my fingers,
2585More odious to my sight then is a Toade.
2588You come to driue my husband from his right,
2589Vnder the colour of a forged letter.
2590Leir. Who euer heard the like impiety?
2591Per. You are our debtour of more patience:
2592We were more patient when we stayd for you,