Peer Reviewed
- Edition: King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
and his three daughters.
1976Were to my euerlasting obloquy:
1977But I will take reuenge vpon his master,
1978Which sent him hither, to delude vs thus.
1980Now that my father thus is made away,
1981Sheele come & clayme a third part of your Crowne,
1982As due vnto her by inheritance.
1983Cam. But I will proue her title to be nought
1984But shame, and the reward of Parricide,
1985And make her an example to the world,
1986For after-ages to admire her penance.
1987This will I do, as I am Cambriaes King,
1991Enter Leir, Perillus, and two Marriners, in sea-
1992gownes and sea-caps.
1995In that at this time we are brought so low,
1996That we want money for to pay our passage.
1998A little before we came aboord your ship,
1999Which stript vs quite of all the coyne we had,
2000And left vs not a penny in our purses:
2001Yet wanting mony, we will vse the meane,
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