Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
1790Enter the Gallian Ambassador solus.
1791Am. There is of late newes come vnto the Court,
1792That old Lord Leir remaynes in Cambria:
1793Ile hye me thither presently, to impart
1794My letters and my message vnto him.
1795I neuer was lesse welcome to a place
1796In all my life time, then I haue bin hither,
1798Who would not cast one gracious looke on me,
1800Would take exceptions at each word I spake,
1801And fayne she would haue vndermined me,
1802To know what my Ambassage did import:
1803But she is like to hop without her hope,
1804And in this matter for to want her will,
1806Well, I will poste away for Cambria: