Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
The History of King Leir
1098Thou art as old as I, but more kind.
1100Should leane vpon the person of a King.
1102That had no cause to come along with me.
1103Through these vncouth paths, and tirefull wayes,
1104And neuer ease thy faynting limmes a whit.
1105Thou hast left all, I, all to come with me,
1106And I, for all, haue nought to guerdon thee.
1108With these kind words, which cuts my heart in two,
1109To think your will should want the power to do.
1112Per. That honourable title will I giue,
1113Vnto my Lord, so long as I do liue.
1114Oh, be of comfort: for I see the place
1115Whereas your daughter keeps her residence.
1116And loe, in happy time the Cambrian Prince
1117Is here arriu'd, to gratify our comming.
1118Enter the Prince of Cambria, Ragan and Nobles: looke
1119vpon them, and whisper together.
1121I am asham'd to tell this heauy tale.
1125Me thinks, I should remember well their lookes.
1128She runneth to him, and kneeles downe, saying:
1129Father, I bid you welcome, full of griefe,
1131And ill befitting for your reuerend age,
1132To come on foot a iourney so indurable.