Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
The History of King Leir
1633To swallow thee, and if thou do this deed.
1634Thunder and lightning.
1635Mes. I would that word were in his belly agayne,
1636It hath frighted me euen to the very heart:
1638His words haue turned my mind from this exployt.
1639Then neyther heauen, earth, nor hell be witnesse;
1640But let this paper witnesse for them all.
1641Shewes Gonorils letter.
1644I will not crack my credit with two Queenes,
1645To whom I haue already past my word.
1647I get heauens hate, earths scorne, and paynes of hell.
1648They blesse themselues.
1650Doth gouerne all things in this spacious world,
1652To be committed without iust reuenge?
1653O viperous generation and accurst,
1655Leir. Ah, my true friend in all extremity,
1656Let vs submit vs to the will of God:
1659My friend, I am prepared for the stroke:
1660Strike when thou wilt, and I forgiue thee here,
1661Euen from the very bottome of my heart.
1664That euer liued in aduersity:
1666Is that thou go vnto my daughter Cordella,