Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
and his three daughters.
1591I neuer heard Cordellaes name before,
1592Nor neuer was in Fraunce in all my life:
1593I neuer knew thou hadst a daughter there,
1595But thy owne toung declares that thou hast bin
1596A vyle old wretch, and full of heynous sin.
1597Leir. Ah no, my friend, thou are deceyued much:
1598For her except, whom I confesse I wrongd,
1599Through doting frenzy, and o're-ielous loue.
1600There liues not any vnder heauens bright eye,
1601That can conuict me of impiety.
1603For I am in true peace with all the world.
1606Know thou, the Queenes of Cambria and Cornwall,
1607Thy owne two daughters, Gonorill and Ragan,
1608Appoynted me to massacre thee here.
1610In charity with all the world? but now
1612That they haue hyred me t'abbridge thy fate,
1614That would deceyue, euen at the poynt of death.
1615Per. Am I awake, or is it but a dreame?
1616Mes. Feare nothing, man, thou art but in a dreame,
1617And thou shalt neuer wake vntill doomes day,
1618By then, I hope, thou wilt haue slept ynough.
1619Leir. Yet, gentle friend, graunt one thing ere I die.
1620Mes. Ile graunt you any thing, except your liues.
1622That my two daughters hyred thee to this deed:
1623If I were once resolu'd of that, then I
1624Would wish no longer life, but craue to dye.
F3 Leir. Sweare