Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
and his three daughters.
680Oh liue to adde new torments to my griefe:
681Why didst thou thus intrap me vnawares?
684Whilome when as I liu'd in honours height,
685A Prince perhaps might postulate my loue:
690Then be aduised, Palmer, what to do:
692King. Your birth's too high for any, but a King.
693Cor. My mind is low ynough to loue a Palmer,
694Rather then any King vpon the earth.
695King. O, but you neuer can indure their life,
697Cor. O yes, I can, and happy if I might:
699And thinke it is the Scepter of a Queene.
700Sometime ile set thy Bonnet on my head,
701And thinke I weare a rich imperiall Crowne.
702Sometime ile helpe thee in thy holy prayers,
703And thinke I am with thee in Paradise.
704Thus ile mock fortune, as she mocketh me,
705And neuer will my louely choyce repent:
706For hauing thee, I shall haue all content.
709Ah, deare Cordella, cordiall to my heart,
710I am no Palmer, as I seeme to be,
712To view th'admired beauty of those eyes.
713I am the King of Gallia, gentle mayd,
714 (Although thus slenderly accompanied)
715and yet thy vassayle by imperious Loue,
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