Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
1229Enter the Gallian King, and Cordella.
1231And smiling ioy tryumph vpon thy brow?
1234When will my louely Queene cease to lament,
1235And take some comfort to her grieued thoughts?
1237Yet pitty me, whom thy griefe makes despayre.
1239Let not my passions moue your mind a whit:
1240For I am bound by nature, to lament
1245I am the stock, and thou the louely branch:
1248Forget thy father and thy kindred now,
E2 Since
The History of King Leir
1251And bury them, where black obliuion lyes.
1252Think not thou art the daughter of old Leir,
1253Who did vnkindly disinherit thee:
1254But think thou art the noble Gallian Queene,
1255And wife to him that dearely loueth thee:
1256Embrace the ioyes that present with thee dwell,
1259My old acquaintance or my ancient friends,
1260Doth any whit distemperate my mynd,
1261Knowing you, which are more deare to me,
1262Then Country, kin and all things els can be.
1263Yet pardon me, my gracious Lord, in this:
1267And mount aloft into the element,
1270To liue and thriue without the helpe of water
1271As easy is it for the Blackamoore,
1272To wash the tawny colour from his skin,
1274As I am able to forget my father.
1275King. Myrrour of vertue, Phoenix of our age!
1276Too kind a daughter for an vnkind father,
1277Be of good comfort; for I will dispatch
1278Ambassadors immediately for Brittayne,
1279Vnto the King of Cornwalls Court, whereas
1280Your father keepeth now his residence,
1281And in the kindest maner him intreat,
1282That setting former grieuances apart,
1285Ile offer him the halfe of all my Crowne:
1286If that moues not, weele furnish out a Fleet,
and his three daughters.
1291The King of heauen remunerate my Lord.
1293This and much more ile do to comfort thee.