Peer Reviewed
King Leir
The History of King Leir (Quarto, 1605)
- Introduction
- Texts of this edition
- Contextual materials
The History of King Leir
1782You haue tryed two, try one more for my sake,
1783Ile ne're intreat you further tryall make.
1784Remember well the dream you had of late,
1785And thinke what comfort it foretels to vs.
1788If this third daughter play a kinder part,
1790Enter the Gallian Ambassador solus.
1791Am. There is of late newes come vnto the Court,
1792That old Lord Leir remaynes in Cambria:
1793Ile hye me thither presently, to impart
1794My letters and my message vnto him.
1795I neuer was lesse welcome to a place
1796In all my life time, then I haue bin hither,
1798Who would not cast one gracious looke on me,
1800Would take exceptions at each word I spake,
1801And fayne she would haue vndermined me,
1802To know what my Ambassage did import:
1803But she is like to hop without her hope,
1804And in this matter for to want her will,
1806Well, I will poste away for Cambria:
1808Enter the King and Queene of Gallia, & Mumford.
1810And our kind greetings sent to him of late:
1811Therefore my mind presageth ere't be long,
1812We shall receyue from Brittayne happy newes.
1814For she to me hath always bin vnkind.
1817If hee'le not come to Gallia vnto vs,
1818Then we will sayle to Brittayne vnto him.
Mum. Well,