The first part of the contention of the two famous
24791642as he liues
Marry alwaies prouided, ile be Prote
ctor ouer him.
24881643Stafford. O mon
24801644Cade. And tell him, weele haue the Lorde Sayes head, and the
24811645Duke of Somer
sets, for deliuering vp the Dukedomes of Anioy
24821646and Mayne, and
selling the Townes in France, by which meanes
24831647England hath bene maimde euer
since, and gone as it were with a
2483.11648crouch, but that my pui
ssance held it vp. And be
sides, they can
24861649speake French, and therefore they are traitors.
24891651Cade. Why the French men are our enemies be they not?
24901652And then can hee that
speakes with the tongue of an enemy be a
2492.11655Stafford. Well
sirrha, wilt thou yeeld thy
selfe vnto the Kings
2492.21656mercy, and he will pardon thee and the
se, their outrages and rebel
- 2492.41658Cade. Nay, bid the King come to me and he will, and then ile
2492.51659pardon him, or otherwaies ile haue his Crowne tell him, ere it be
24961661Stafford. Go Herald, proclaime in all the Kings Townes,
24971662That tho
se that will for
sake the Rebell Cade,
24981663Shall haue free pardon from his Maie
25021665Cade. Come
saint George for vs and Kent.
25111667Alarums to the battaile, and sir Humphrey Stafford 25121668and his brother is slaine. Then enter Iacke 25151670Cade. Sir Dicke Butcher, thou ha
st fought to day mo
st valianly,
25161671And knockt them down as if thou had
st bin in thy
slaughter hou
25171672And thus I will reward thee. The Lent
shall be as long againe as
25181673it was. Thou
shalt haue licence to kil for foure
score & one a week.
strike vp, for now weele march to London, for to mor
- 25291675row I meane to
sit in the Kings
seate at We
25301677Enter the King reading of a Letter, and the Queene, with 25311678the Duke of Suffolkes head, and the Lord Say, King.