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- Edition: Henry VI, Part 2
Henry VI, Part 2 (Folio 1, 1623)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
The second Part of Henry the Sixt,
with the death of the Good Duke
1Actus Primus. Scoena Prima.
2Flourish of Trumpets: Then Hoboyes.
3Enter King, Duke Humfrey, Salisbury, Warwicke, and Beau-
4ford on the one side.
5The Queene, Suffolke, Yorke, Somerset, and Buckingham,
6on the other.
8AS by your high Imperiall Maiesty,
9I had in charge at my depart for France,
10As Procurator to your Excellence,
11To marry Princes Margaret for your Grace;
12So in the Famous Ancient City, Toures,
13In presence of the Kings of France, and Sicill,
14The Dukes of Orleance, Calaber, Britaigne, and Alanson,
15Seuen Earles, twelue Barons, & twenty reuerend Bishops
17And humbly now vpon my bended knee,
18In sight of England, and her Lordly Peeres,
19Deliuer vp my Title in the Queene
21Of that great Shadow I did represent:
23The Fairest Queene, that euer King receiu'd.
26Then this kinde kisse: O Lord, that lends me life,
27Lend me a heart repleate with thankfulnesse:
28For thou hast giuen me in this beauteous Face
30If Simpathy of Loue vnite our thoughts.
31Queen. Great King of England, & my gracious Lord,
32The mutuall conference that my minde hath had,
33By day, by night; waking, and in my dreames,
34In Courtly company, or at my Beades,
35With you mine Alder liefest Soueraigne,
36Makes me the bolder to salute my King,
38And ouer ioy of heart doth minister.
41Makes me from Wondring, fall to Weeping ioyes,
42Such is the Fulnesse of my hearts content.
43Lords, with one cheerefull voice, Welcome my Loue.
44All kneel. Long liue Qu. Margaret, Englands happines.
47Heere are the Articles of contracted peace,
48Betweene our Soueraigne, and the French King Charles,
49For eighteene moneths concluded by consent.
54Naples, Sicillia, and Ierusalem, and Crowne her Queene of
55England, ere the thirtieth of May next ensuing.
56Item, That the Dutchy of Aniou, and the County of Main,
58King. Vnkle, how now?
59Glo. Pardon me gracious Lord,
61And dim'd mine eyes, that I can reade no further.
63Win. Item, It is further agreed betweene them, That the
66Englands owne proper Cost and Charges, without hauing any
70And girt thee with the Sword. Cosin of Yorke,
71We heere discharge your Grace from being Regent
72I'th parts of France, till terme of eighteene Moneths
73Be full expyr'd. Thankes Vncle Winchester,
75Salisburie, and Warwicke.
76We thanke you all for this great fauour done,
77In entertainment to my Princely Queene.
78Come, let vs in, and with all speede prouide
79To see her Coronation be perform'd.
80 Exit King, Queene, and Suffolke.
81Manet the rest.
82Glo. Braue Peeres of England, Pillars of the State,
83To you Duke Humfrey must vnload his greefe:
84Your greefe, the common greefe of all the Land.
85What? did my brother Henry spend his youth,
86His valour, coine, and people in the warres?
88In Winters cold, and Summers parching heate,
89To conquer France, his true inheritance?
90And did my brother Bedford toyle his wits,
The second Part of Henry the Sixt.121
91To keepe by policy what Henrie got:
94Receiud deepe scarres in France and Normandie:
95Or hath mine Vnckle Beauford, and my selfe,
96With all the Learned Counsell of the Realme,
98Early and late, debating too and fro
99How France and Frenchmen might be kept in awe,
100And hath his Highnesse in his infancie,
101Crowned in Paris in despight of foes,
103Shall Henries Conquest, Bedfords vigilance,
104Your Deeds of Warre, and all our Counsell dye?
105O Peeres of England, shamefull is this League,
106Fatall this Marriage, cancelling your Fame,
107Blotting your names from Bookes of memory,
108Racing the Charracters of your Renowne,
109Defacing Monuments of Conquer'd France,
110Vndoing all as all had neuer bin.
113For France, 'tis ours; and we will keepe it still.
114Glo. I Vnckle, we will keepe it, if we can:
117Hath giuen the Dutchy of Aniou and Mayne,
120Sal. Now by the death of him that dyed for all,
121These Counties were the Keyes of Normandie:
122But wherefore weepes Warwicke, my valiant sonne?
124For were there hope to conquer them againe,
126Aniou and Maine? My selfe did win them both:
128And are the Citties that I got with wounds,
129Deliuer'd vp againe with peacefull words?
130Mort Dieu.
132That dims the Honor of this Warlike Isle:
133France should haue torne and rent my very hart,
134Before I would haue yeelded to this League.
135I neuer read but Englands Kings haue had
136Large summes of Gold, and Dowries with their wiues,
137And our King Henry giues away his owne,
138To match with her that brings no vantages.
143Before ---
145It was the pleasure of my Lord the King.
148But 'tis my presence that doth trouble ye,
149Rancour will out, proud Prelate, in thy face
151We shall begin our ancient bickerings:
152Lordings farewell, and say when I am gone,
155'Tis knowne to you he is mine enemy:
156Nay more, an enemy vnto you all,
157And no great friend, I feare me to the King;
158Consider Lords, he is the next of blood,
159And heyre apparant to the English Crowne:
160Had Henrie got an Empire by his marriage,
161And all the wealthy Kingdomes of the West,
163Looke to it Lords, let not his smoothing words
165What though the common people fauour him,
166Calling him, Humfrey the good Duke of Gloster,
167Clapping their hands, and crying with loud voyce,
168Iesu maintaine your Royall Excellence,
169With God preserue the good Duke Humfrey:
171He will be found a dangerous Protector.
173He being of age to gouerne of himselfe.
175And altogether with the Duke of Suffolke,
180And greatnesse of his place be greefe to vs,
181Yet let vs watch the haughtie Cardinall,
182His insolence is more intollerable
183Then all the Princes in the Land beside,
186Despite Duke Humfrey, or the Cardinall.
187 Exit Buckingham, and Somerset.
188Sal. Pride went before, Ambition followes him.
189While these do labour for their owne preferment,
190Behooues it vs to labor for the Realme.
192Did beare him like a Noble Gentleman:
193Oft haue I seene the haughty Cardinall.
194More like a Souldier then a man o'th' Church,
195As stout and proud as he were Lord of all,
197Vnlike the Ruler of a Common-weale.
198Warwicke my sonne, the comfort of my age,
200Hath wonne the greatest fauour of the Commons,
201Excepting none but good Duke Humfrey.
202And Brother Yorke, thy Acts in Ireland,
203In bringing them to ciuill Discipline:
204Thy late exploits done in the heart of France,
205When thou wert Regent for our Soueraigne,
206Haue made thee fear'd and honor'd of the people,
207Ioyne we together for the publike good,
209The pride of Suffolke, and the Cardinall,
210With Somersets and Buckinghams Ambition,
211And as we may, cherish Duke Humfries deeds,
212While they do tend the profit of the Land.
213War. So God helpe Warwicke, as he loues the Land,
214And common profit of his Countrey.
218And looke vnto the maine.
219Warwicke. Vnto the maine?
220Oh Father, Maine is lost,
221That Maine, which by maine force Warwicke did winne,
l3 Main
122The second Part of Henry the Sixt.
223Main-chance father you meant, but I meant Maine,
226Yorke. Aniou and Maine are giuen to the French,
228Stands on a tickle point, now they are gone:
229Suffolke concluded on the Articles,
230The Peeres agreed, and Henry was well pleas'd,
231To change two Dukedomes for a Dukes faire daughter.
232I cannot blame them all, what is't to them?
233'Tis thine they giue away, and not their owne.
234Pirates may make cheape penyworths of their pillage,
235And purchase Friends, and giue to Curtezans,
236Still reuelling like Lords till all be gone,
237While as the silly Owner of the goods
238Weepes ouer them, and wrings his haplesse hands,
240While all is shar'd, and all is borne away,
241Ready to sterue, and dare not touch his owne.
243While his owne Lands are bargain'd for, and sold:
244Me thinkes the Realmes of England, France, & Ireland,
246As did the fatall brand Althaea burnt,
247Vnto the Princes heart of Calidon:
248Aniou and Maine both giuen vnto the French?
249Cold newes for me: for I had hope of France,
250Euen as I haue of fertile Englands soile.
251A day will come, when Yorke shall claime his owne,
252And therefore I will take the Neuils parts,
253And make a shew of loue to proud Duke Humfrey,
254And when I spy aduantage, claime the Crowne,
255For that's the Golden marke I seeke to hit:
258Nor weare the Diadem vpon his head,
261Watch thou, and wake when others be asleepe,
262To prie into the secrets of the State,
263Till Henrie surfetting in ioyes of loue,
264With his new Bride, & Englands deere bought Queen,
265And Humfrey with the Peeres be falne at iarres:
268And in in my Standard beare the Armes of Yorke,
270And force perforce Ile make him yeeld the Crowne,
272 Exit Yorke.