Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Henry VI, Part 2
Henry VI, Part 2 (Folio 1, 1623)
- Texts of this edition
- Facsimiles
3319Alarum. Retreat. Enter Yorke, Richard, Warwicke,
3320and Soldiers, with Drum & Colours.
3322That Winter Lyon, who in rage forgets
3324And like a Gallant, in the brow of youth,
3325Repaires him with Occasion. This happy day
3326Is not it selfe, nor haue we wonne one foot,
3328Rich. My Noble Father:
3329Three times to day I holpe him to his horse,
3333And like rich hangings in a homely house,
3334So was his Will, in his old feeble body,
3335But Noble as he is, looke where he comes.
3336Enter Salisbury.
3339God knowes how long it is I haue to liue:
3340And it hath pleas'd him that three times to day
3341You haue defended me from imminent death.
3342Well Lords, we haue not got that which we haue,
3343'Tis not enough our foes are this time fled,
3346For (as I heare) the King is fled to London,
3347To call a present Court of Parliament:
3348Let vs pursue him ere the Writs go forth.
3350War. After them: nay before them if we can:
3351Now by my hand (Lords) 'twas a glorious day.
3352Saint Albons battell wonne by famous Yorke,
3353Shall be eterniz'd in all Age to come.
3354Sound Drumme and Trumpets, and to London all,