Not Peer Reviewed
- Edition: Henry VI, Part 2
Henry VI, Part 2 (Folio 1, 1623)
- Texts of this edition
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130The second Part of Henry the Sixt.
1241Why yet thy scandall were not wipt away,
1242But I in danger for the breach of Law.
1243Thy greatest helpe is quiet, gentle Nell:
1244I pray thee sort thy heart to patience,
1245These few dayes wonder will be quickly worne.
1246Enter a Herald.
1250This is close dealing. Well, I will be there.
1251My Nell, I take my leaue: and Master Sherife,
1252Let not her Penance exceede the Kings Commission.
1254And Sir Iohn Stanly is appointed now,
1255To take her with him to the Ile of Man.
1260You vse her well: the World may laugh againe,
1261And I may liue to doe you kindnesse, if you doe it her.
1262And so Sir Iohn, farewell.
1266 Exit Gloster.
1267Elianor. Art thou gone to? all comfort goe with thee,
1268For none abides with me: my Ioy, is Death;
1269Death, at whose Name I oft haue beene afear'd,
1271Stanley, I prethee goe, and take me hence,
1272I care not whither, for I begge no fauor;
1273Onely conuey me where thou art commanded.
1274Stanley. Why, Madame, that is to the Ile of Man,
1275There to be vs'd according to your State.
1276Elianor. That's bad enough, for I am but reproach:
1277And shall I then be vs'd reproachfully?
1279According to that State you shall be vs'd.
1280Elianor. Sherife farewell, and better then I fare,
1284Come Stanley, shall we goe?
1285Stanley. Madame, your Penance done,
1286Throw off this Sheet,
1287And goe we to attyre you for our Iourney.
1289No, it will hang vpon my richest Robes,
1292Sound a Senet. Enter King, Queene, Cardinall, Suffolke,
1293Yorke, Buckingham, Salisbury, and Warwicke,
1294to the Parliament.
1296'Tis not his wont to be the hindmost man,
1297What e're occasion keepes him from vs now.
1301How insolent of late he is become,
1302How prowd, how peremptorie, and vnlike himselfe.
1304And if we did but glance a farre-off Looke,
1305Immediately he was vpon his Knee,
1307But meet him now, and be it in the Morne,
1308When euery one will giue the time of day,
1309He knits his Brow, and shewes an angry Eye,
1311Disdaining dutie that to vs belongs.
1312Small Curres are not regarded when they grynne,
1313But great men tremble when the Lyon rores,
1314And Humfrey is no little Man in England.
1316And should you fall, he is the next will mount.
1317Me seemeth then, it is no Pollicie,
1319And his aduantage following your decease,
1321Or be admitted to your Highnesse Councell.
1322By flatterie hath he wonne the Commons hearts:
1323And when he please to make Commotion,
1324'Tis to be fear'd they all will follow him.
1325Now 'tis the Spring, and Weeds are shallow-rooted,
1326Suffer them now, and they'le o're-grow the Garden,
1327And choake the Herbes for want of Husbandry.
1328The reuerent care I beare vnto my Lord,
1330If it be fond, call it a Womans feare:
1333My Lord of Suffolke, Buckingham, and Yorke,
1334Reproue my allegation, if you can,
1338I thinke I should haue told your Graces Tale.
1341Or if he were not priuie to those Faults,
1342Yet by reputing of his high discent,
1344And such high vaunts of his Nobilitie,
1346By wicked meanes to frame our Soueraignes fall.
1347Smooth runnes the Water, where the Brooke is deepe,
1349The Fox barkes not, when he would steale the Lambe.
1350No, no, my Soueraigne, Glouster is a man
1351Vnsounded yet, and full of deepe deceit.
1352Card. Did he not, contrary to forme of Law,
1355Leuie great summes of Money through the Realme,
1356For Souldiers pay in France, and neuer sent it?
1357By meanes whereof, the Townes each day reuolted.
1359Which time will bring to light in smooth Duke Humfrey.
1360King. My Lords at once: the care you haue of vs,
1361To mowe downe Thornes that would annoy our Foot,
1366The Duke is vertuous, milde, and too well giuen,
1367To dreame on euill, or to worke my downefall.
1369Seemes he a Doue? his feathers are but borrow'd,
1371Is he a Lambe? his Skinne is surely lent him,