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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

    The first part of the contention of the two famous
    800For he it is, that thus hath helped thee.
    Humphrey. Where wast thou borne?
    Poore man. At Barwicke sir, in the North.
    813.1Humph. At Barwicke, and come thus far for helpe.
    Poore man. I sir, it was told me in my sleepe,
    That sweet saint Albones, should giue me my sight againe.
    830Humphrey. What art thou lame too?
    Poore man. I indeed sir, God helpe me.
    Humphrey. How cam'st thou lame?
    Poore man. With falling off on a plum-tree.
    Humph. Wart thou blind & wold clime plumtrees?
    Poore man. Neuer but once sir in all my life,
    My wife did long for plums.
    805Humph. But tell me, wart thou borne blinde?
    Poore man. I truly sir.
    Woman. I indeed sir, he was borne blinde.
    Humphrey. What art thou his mother?
    VVoman. His wife sir.
    810Humphrey. Hadst thou bene his mother,
    Thou couldst haue better told.
    Why let me see, I thinke thou canst not see yet.
    Poore man. Yes truly maister, as cleare as day.
    850Humphrey. Saist thou so. What colours his cloake?
    Poore man. Why red maister, as red as blood.
    852.1Humphrey. And his cloake?
    Poore man. Why thats greene.
    Humphrey. And what colours his hose?
    Poore man. Yellow maister, yellow as gold.
    Humphrey. And what colours my gowne?
    855Poore man. Blacke sir, as blacke as Ieat.
    King. Then belike he knowes what colour Ieat is on.
    Suffolke. And yet I thinke Ieat did he neuer see.
    Humph. But cloakes and gownes ere this day many a
    But tell me sirrha, whats my name? (one.
    Poore man. Alasse maister I know not.
    Humphrey. Whats his name?
    865Poore man. I know not.
    Humphrey. Nor his?