The first part of the contention of the two famous
800592For he it is, that thus hath helped thee.
812593Humphrey. Where wa
st thou borne?
813594Poore man. At
e sir, in the North.
813.1595Humph. At
e, and come thus far for helpe.
823596Poore man. I
sir, it was told me in my
saint Albones,
should giue me my
sight againe.
830598Humphrey. What art thou lame too?
831599Poore man. I indeed
sir, God helpe me.
832600Humphrey. How cam'
st thou lame?
833601Poore man. With falling o
ff on a plum-tree.
837602Humph. Wart thou blind & wold clime plumtrees?
838603Poore man. Neuer but once
sir in all my life,
843604My wife did long for plums.
805605Humph. But tell me, wart thou borne blinde?
807607Woman. I indeed
sir, he was borne blinde.
808608Humphrey. What art thou his mother?
810610Humphrey. Had
st thou bene his mother,
811611Thou could
st haue better told.
846612 Why let me
see, I thinke thou can
st not
see yet.
848613Poore man. Yes truly mai
ster, as cleare as day.
850614Humphrey. Sai
st thou
so. What colours his cloake?
852615Poore man. Why red mai
ster, as red as blood.
852.3618Humphrey. And what colours his ho
852.4619Poore man. Yellow mai
ster, yellow as gold.
853620Humphrey. And what colours my gowne?
855621Poore man. Blacke
sir, as blacke as Ieat.
856622King. Then belike he knowes what colour Ieat is on.
858623Suffolke. And yet
I thinke Ieat did he neuer
859624Humph. But cloakes and gownes ere this day many a
862625But tell me
sirrha, whats my name?
863626Poore man. Ala
sse mai
ster I know not.
864627Humphrey. Whats his name?