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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

    The first part of the contention of the two famous
    1440I haue no doubt but thou shalt cleare thy selfe,
    My conscience tels me thou art innocent.
    Hump. Ah gratious Henry these daies are dangerous,
    And would my death might end these miseries,
    And staie their moodes for good King Henries sake,
    But I am made the Prologue to their plaie,
    And thousands more must follow after me,
    That dreads not yet their liues destruction.
    Suffolkes hatefull tongue blabs his harts malice,
    1455Bewfords firie eyes showes his enuious minde,
    Buckinghams proud lookes bewraies his cruel thoughts,
    And dogged Yorke that leuels at the Moone
    Whose ouerweening arme I haue held backe.
    1465All you haue ioynd to betraie me thus:
    And you my gratious Lady and soueraigne mistresse,
    Causelesse haue laid complaints vpon my head,
    I shall not want false witnesses inough,
    That so amongst you, you may haue my life.
    1470The Prouerbe no doubt will be well performde,
    A staffe is quickly found to beate a dog.
    Suffolke. Doth he not twit our soueraigne Lady here,
    1480As if that she with ignomious wrong,
    Had sobornde or hired some to sweare against his life.
    Queene. I but I can giue the loser leaue to speake.
    Humph. Far truer spoke then ment, I loose indeed,
    Beshrovv the vvinners hearts, they plaie me false.
    Buck. Hele vvrest the sence and keep vs here all day,
    My Lord of Winchester, see him sent avvay.
    Car. Who's vvithin there? Take in Duke Humphrey,
    1488.1And see him garded sure vvithin my house.
    Humph. O! thus King Henry casts avvay his crouch,
    1490Before his legs can beare his bodie vp,
    And puts his vvatchfull shepheard from his side,
    Whilst vvolues stand snarring vvho shall bite him first.
    Farvvell my soueraigne, long maist thou enioy,
    Thy fathers happie daies free from annoy.
    1494.1Exet Humphrey, vvith the Cardinals men.
    1495King. My Lords what to your vvisdoms shall seem best,