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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

    The first part of the contention of the two famous
    415.1when we were scowring the Duke of Yorks Armour in our
    Suffolke. I marry this is something like,
    Whose within there?
    Enter one or two.
    Sirra take in this fellow and keepe him close,
    420And send out a Purseuant for his maister straight,
    Weele here more of this before the King.
    Exet with the Armourers man.
    421.1Now sir what yours? Let me see it,
    Whats here?
    A complaint against the Duke of Suffolke for enclosing the com-
    406.1 mons of long Melford.
    How now sir knaue.
    1. Peti. I beseech your grace to pardon me, me, I am but a
    Messenger for the whole town-ship.
    409.1He teares the papers.
    Suffolke. So now show your petitions to Duke Humphrey.
    Villaines get you gone and come not neare the Court,
    Dare these pesants write against me thus.
    Exet Petitioners.
    Queene. My Lord of Suffolke, you may see by this,
    The Commons loues vnto that haughtie Duke,
    That seekes to him more then to King Henry:
    433.1Whose eyes are alwaies poring on his booke,
    And nere regards the honour of his name,
    But still must be protected like a childe,
    435And gouerned by that ambitious Duke,
    435.1That scarse will moue his cap nor speake to vs,
    And his proud wife, high minded Elanor,
    That ruffles it with such a troupe of Ladies,
    465As strangers in the Court takes her for the Queene.
    470The other day she vanted to her maides,
    That the very traine of her worst gowne,
    Was worth more wealth then all my fathers lands,
    472.1Can any griefe of minde be like to this.
    I tell