Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
20831377Queene. Hovv novv, vvhither goes Vavv
so fa
20851378Vawse. To
fie vnto his Maie
20861379That Cardinall Bevvford is at point of death,
20871380Sometimes he raues and cries as he vvere madde,
20901381Sometimes he cals vpon Duke Humphries Gho
20921382And vvhi
spers to his pillovv as to him,
sometime he calles to
speake vnto the King,
20941384And I am going to certi
fie vnto his grace,
20951385That euen novv he cald aloude for him.
20961386Queene. Go then good Vavv
se and certi
fie the King.
20971388Oh vvhat is vvorldly pompe, all men mu
st die,
2097.11389And vvoe am I for Bevvfords heauie ende,
21001390But vvhy mourne I for him, vvhil
st thou art here?
21031391Svveete Su
ffolke hie thee hence to France,
21041392For if the King do come, thou
sure mu
st die.
21051393Suff. And if I go I cannot liue: but here to die,
21061394What vvere it el
se, but like a plea
21081396Here could I, could I, breath my
soule into the aire,
21091397As milde and gentle as the nevv borne babe,
21101398That dies vvith mothers dugge betvveene his lips,
21111399Where from thy
sight I
should be raging madde,
21121400And call for thee to clo
se mine eyes,
21131401Or vvith thy lips to
stop my dying
I might breathe it
so into thy bodie,
21161403And then it liu'd in
svveete Elyziam,
21171404By thee to die, vvere but to die in iea
21181405From thee to die, vvere torment more then death,
21191406O let me
staie, befall, vvhat may befall.
21201407Queen. Oh might
st thou
staie vvith
safetie of thy life,
st thou
staie, but heauens deny it,
21221409And therefore go, but hope ere long to be repelde.
21241411Queene. And take my heart vvith thee.
21271413Suff. A ievvell lockt into the vvoful
st ca
21281414That euer yet containde a thing of vvoorth,