The first part of the contention of the two famous
912668Suffolke. My Lord Prote
ctor hath done wonders to day,
913669He hath made the blinde to
see, and halt to go.
914670Humph. I but you did greater wonders, when you made whole
915671 Dukedomes
flie in a day.
915.2673King. Haue done I
say, and let me here no more of that.
916674Enter the Duke of Buckingham. 917675What newes brings Duke Humprey of Buckingham?
918676Buck. Ill newes for
some my Lord, and this it is,
921677That proud dame Elnor our Prote
ctors wife,
923678Hath plotted Trea
sons gain
st the King and Peeres,
924679By vvichcrafts,
sorceries, and cuniurings,
925680Who by
such meanes did rai
se a
spirit vp,
927681To tell her what hap
should betide the
927.1682But ere they had
sht their diuelli
sh drift,
927.2683By Yorke and my
selfe they were all
927.3684And heres the an
swere the diuel did make to them.
938685King. Fir
st of the King, what
shall become of him?
938.1686Reads. The Duke yet liues, that Henry
shal depo
938.2687Yet him out liue, and die a violent death.
938.4689What fate awaits the Duke of Su
938.5690By water
shall he die and take his end.
938.6691Suffolke. By water mu
st the Duke of Su
ffolke die?
938.7692It mu
st be
so, or el
se the diuel doth lie.
938.8693King. Let Somer
shun Ca
shall he be vpon the
sandie plaines,
930696Card. Heres good
ffe, how novv my Lord Prote
932697This newes I thinke hath turnde your weapons point,
933698I am in doubt youle
sly keepe your promi
934699Humphrey. Forbeare ambitious Prelate to vrge my griefe,
942700And pardon me my gratious Soueraigne,
943701For here I
svveare vnto your Maie
943.1702That I am guiltle
sse of the
se hainous crimes
944703Which my ambitious vvife hath fal
sly done,
945704And for
she vvould betraie her
soueraigne Lord,
949705I here renounce her from my bed and boord,