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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

    Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
    I tell thee Poull, when thou didst runne at Tilt,
    And stolst away our Ladaies hearts in France,
    I thought King Henry had bene like to thee,
    439.1Or else thou hadst not brought me out of France.
    Suffolke. Madame content your selfe a litle while,
    As I was cause of your comming to England,
    So will I in England worke your full content:
    And as for proud Duke Humphrey and his wife,
    475I haue set lime-twigs that will intangle them,
    475.1As that your grace ere long shall vnderstand.
    But staie Madame, here comes the King.

    Enter King Henry, and the Duke of Yorke and the Duke of So-
    merset on both sides of the King, whispering with him, and en-
    490 ter Duke Humphrey, Dame Elnor, the Duke of Buckingham,
    490.1 the Earle of Salsbury, the Earle of Warwicke, and the Cardinall
    of VVinchester

    King. My Lords I care not who be Regent in France, or York,
    or Somerset, alls wonne to me.
    Yorke. My Lord, if Yorke haue ill demeande himselfe,
    Let Somerset enioy his place and go to France.
    495Somerset. Then whom your grace thinke worthie, let him go,
    And there be made the Regent ouer the French.
    VVarwicke. VVhom soeuer you account worthie,
    Yorke is the vvorthiest.
    Cardinall. Pease VVarwicke. Giue thy betters leaue to speake.
    500VVar. The Cardinals not my better in the field.
    Buc. All in this place are thy betters farre.
    VVar. And Warwicke may liue to be the best of all.
    502.1Queene. My Lord in mine opinion, it vvere best that Somerset
    vvere Regent ouer France.
    Humphrey. Madame onr King is old inough himselfe,
    To giue his ansvvere vvithout your consent.
    Queene. If he be old inough, vvhat needs your grace
    To be Protector ouer him so long.
    B3 Humphrey