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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

    Alarmes to the battaile, and then enter the Duke of Somerset
    3288.1 and Richard fighting, and Richard kils him vnder the signe of
    the Castle in saint Albones.
    Rich. So Lie thou there, and breathe thy last.
    3289.1Whats here, the signe of the Castle?
    Then the prophesie is come to passe,
    H2 For
    The first part of the contention of the two famous
    For Somerset was forewarned of Castles,
    The which he alwaies did obserue.
    3290And now behold, vnder a paltry Ale-house signe,
    The Castle in saint Albones,
    Somerset hath made the Wissard famous by his death.
    Alarme again, and enter the Earle of
    3218.1Warwicke alone.
    VVar. Clifford of Comberland, tis Warwicke calles,
    3220And if thou doest not hide thee from the Beare,
    Now whilst the angry Trompets sound Alarmes,
    And dead mens cries do fill the emptie aire:
    Clifford I say, come forth and fight with me,
    Proud Northerne Lord, Clifford of Comberland,
    3225Warwicke is hoarse with calling thee to Armes.
    3225.1Clifford speakes within.
    Warwicke stand still, and view the way that Clifford hewes with
    his murthering Curtelaxe, through the fainting troopes to finde
    thee out.
    3225.5Warwicke stand still, and stir not till I come.
    Enter Yorke.
    VVar. How now my Lord, what a foote?
    3227.1Who kild your horse?
    Yorke. The deadly hand of Clifford. Noble Lord,
    3228.1Fiue horse this day slaine vnder me,
    And yet braue Warwicke I remaine aliue,
    But I did kill his horse he lou'd so well,
    The boniest gray that ere was bred in North.
    Enter Clifford, and Warwicke offers to
    3232.1fight with him.
    Hold Warwicke, and seeke thee out some other chase,
    3235My selfe will hunt this deare to death.
    VVar. Braue Lord, tis for a Crowne thou fights,
    Clifford farewell, as I entend to prosper well to day,
    It grieues my soule to leaue thee vnassaild.
    3238.1Exet VVarwicke.
    Yorke. Now Clifford, since we are singled here alone,
    Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
    Be this the day of doome to one of vs,
    For now my heart hath sworne immortall hate
    3242.1To thee and all the house of Lancaster.
    Cliffood. And here I stand, and pitch my foot to thine,
    3247.1Vowing neuer to stir, till thou or I be slaine.
    For neuer shall my heart be safe at rest,
    Till I haue spoyld the hatefull house of Yorke.
    Alarmes, and they fight, and Yorke kils Clifford.
    3250Yorke. Now Lancaster sit sure, thy sinowes shrinke,
    Come fearefull Henry grouelling on thy face,
    3251.1Yeeld vp thy Crowne vnto the Prince of Yorke.
    Exet Yorke.
    Alarmes, then enter yoong Clifford alone.
    3252.1Yoong Clifford. Father of Comberland,
    Where may I seeke my aged father forth?
    O! dismall sight, see where he breathlesse lies,
    All smeard and weltred in his luke-warme blood,
    3272.1Ah, aged pillar of all Comberlands true house,
    Sweete father, to thy murthred ghoast I sweare,
    Immortall hate vnto the house of Yorke,
    Nor neuer shall I sleepe secure one night,
    3275Till I haue furiously reuengde thy death,
    And left not one of them to breath on earth.
    3282.1He takes him vp on his backe.
    And thus as old Ankyses sonne did beare
    3284.1His aged father on his manly backe,
    And fought with him against the bloodie Greeks,
    3285Euen so will I. But staie, heres one of them,
    3285.1To whom my soule hath sworne immortall hate.
    Enter Richard, and then Clifford laies downe his father,
    fights with him, and Richard flies away againe.
    Out crooktbacke villaine, get thee from my sight,
    3285.5But I will after thee, and once againe
    When I haue borne my father to his Tent,
    Ile trie my fortune better with thee yet.
    Exet yoong Clifford with his
    H3 Alarmes,
    The first part of the contention of the two famous
    3318.1Alarmes againe, and then enter three or foure, bearing the Duke
    of Buckingham wounded to his Tent.
    Alarmes still, and then enter the King and Queene.
    Queene. Avvay my Lord, and flie to London straight,
    3297.1Make hast, for vengeance comes along vvith them,
    Come stand not to expostulate, lets go.
    King. Come then faire Queene to London let vs hast,
    3298.1And sommon a Parlament vvith speede,
    To stop the fury of these dyre euents.
    Exet King and Queene.