Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
867632Poore man No indeed mai
868633Humphrey Whats thine owne name?
869634Poore man. Sander, and it plea
se you mai
870635Humphrey. Then Sander
sit there, the lyinge
st knaue in Chri
- 872636stendom. If thou had
st bene born blind, thou mighte
st as well haue
873637knowne all our names, as thus to name the
seuerall colours we doo
875638weare. Sight may di
sh of colours, but
sodeinly to nominate
878639them all, it is impo
ssible. My Lords,
saint Albones here hath done a
879640Miracle, and would you not thinke his cunning to be great, that
880641could re
store this Cripple to his legs againe.
881642Poore man. Oh mai
ster I would you could.
882643Humphrey. My Mai
sters of
saint Albones,
883644Haue you not Beadles in your Towne,
884645And things called whippes?
885646Mayor. Yes my Lord, if it plea
se your grace.
886647Humph. Then
send for one pre
887648Mayor. Sirrha, go fetch the Beadle hither
889650Humph. Now fetch me a
stoole hither by and by.
sirrha, If you meane to
saue your
selfe from whipping,
891652Leape me ouer this
stoole and runne away.
892654Poore man. Ala
sse mai
ster I am not able to
stand alone,
893655You go about to torture me in vaine.
895656Humph. Well
sir, we mu
st haue you
finde your legges.
896657Sirrha Beadle, whip him till he leape ouer that
898658Beadle. I will my Lord, come on
sirrha, o
ff with your doublet
900660Poore man. Alas mai
ster what
shall I do, I am not able to
902661After the Beadle hath hit him one girke, he leapes ouer 903662the stoole and runnes away, and they run after him, 904663crying, A miracle, a miracle. 909664Hump. A miracle, a miracle, let him be taken againe, & whipt
910665through euery Market Towne til he comes at Barwicke where he
911667Mayor. It
shall be done my Lord.
Exet Mayor. C3 Suffolke