26131725Enter Iacke Cade and the rest and strikes his sword 26151727Cade. Now is Mortemer Lord of this Citie,
26161728And now
sitting vpon London
stone, We command,
26191729That the
st yeare of our raigne,
26181730The pi
ssing Cundit run nothing but red wine.
26201731And now hence forward, it
shall be trea
26211732For any that calles me any othervvi
se then
26241736Cade. Sounes, knocke him dovvne.
(They kill him. 26271737Dicke. My Lord, theirs an Army gathered togither
26291739Cade. Come then, lets go
fight with them,
st go on and
set London bridge a
26311741And if you can, burne dovvne the Tovver too.