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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

    Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
    Hough him for running, and to conclude,
    Braue him with his owne mace.
    2756.20Exet with the Sargiant.
    Enter two with the Lord Sayes head, and sir Iames
    2763.1Cromers, vpon two poles.
    2770So, come carry them before me, and at euery lanes ende, let them
    kisse togither.
    Enter the Duke of Buckingham, and Lord Clifford the
    2781.1Earle of Comberland.
    Clifford. Why country-men and warlike friends of Kent,
    What meanes this mutinous rebellions,
    That you in troopes do muster thus your selues,
    2789.1Vnder the conduct of this Traitor Cade?
    To rise against your soueraigne Lord and King,
    2790Who mildly hath his pardon sent to you,
    If you forsake this monstrous Rebell here?
    If honour be the marke whereat you aime,
    Then haste to France that our forefathers wonne,
    And winne againe that thing which now is lost,
    2794.1And leaue to seeke your Countries ouerthrow.
    2795All. A Clifford, a Clifford.
    2795.1They forsake Cade.
    Cade. Why how now, will you forsake your generall,
    And ancient freedome which you haue possest?
    To bend your neckes vnder their seruile yokes,
    2804.1Who if you stir, will straightwaies hang you vp,
    But follow me, and you shall pull them downe,
    And make them yeeld their liuings to your hands.
    All. A Cade, a Cade.
    2810They runne to Cade againe.
    Cliff. Braue warlike friends heare me but speak a word,
    Refuse not good whilst it is offered you,
    The King is mercifull, then yeeld to him,
    And I my selfe will go along with you,
    2815To Winsore Castle whereas the King abides,
    And on mine honour you shall haue no hurt.
    2830All. A Clifford, a Clifford, God saue the King.
    Cade. How like a feather is this rascall company
    G3 Blowne