Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
1049780but the King. Come lets goe.
1051782Enter King Henry, and the Queene, Duke Humphrey, the Duke of 1052783 Suffolke, and the Duke of Buckingham, the Cardinall, and Dame 1052.1784 Elnor Cobham, led with the Officers, and then enter to them the 1052.2785 Duke of Yorke, and the Earles of Salsbury and VVarwicke.
1053786King. Stand foorth Dame Elnor Cobham Duches of Glo
1056787and here the
sentence pronounced again
st thee for the
se Trea
1057788that thou ha
st committed gain
st vs, our States and Peeres.
1062789 Fir
st for thy hainous crimes, thou
shalt two daies in London do
1064790penance barefoote in the
streetes, with a white
sheete about thy
1065791bodie, and a waxe Taper burning in thy hand. That done, thou
1066792shalt be bani
shed for euer into the Ile of Man, there to ende thy
1066.1793wretched daies, and this is our
sentence erreuocable. Away with
1066.3795Elnor. Euen to my death, for I haue liued too long.
1066.5797King. Greeue not noble vnckle, but be thou glad,
1066.6798In that the
se Trea
sons thus are come to light,
st God had pourde his vengeance on thy head,
1066.8800For her o
ffences that thou held
st so deare.
1072801Humph. Oh gratious
Henry, giue me leaue awhile,
1073802To leaue your grace, and to depart away,
sorrowes teares hath gripte my aged heart,
1075804And makes the fountaines of mine eyes to
1075.1805And therefore good my Lord, let me depart.
1076806King. With all my hart good vnkle, when you plea
1077807Yet ere thou goe
Humphrey re
signe thy
1078808For Henry will be no more prote
1079809The Lord
shall be my guide both for my land and me.
1087810Humph. My
ffe, I noble Henry, my life and all,
ffe, I yeeld as willing to be thine,
1089812As er
st thy noble father made it mine,
1090813And euen as willing at thy feete I leaue it,
1091814As others would ambitiou
sly receiue it,
1092815And long hereafter when I am dead and gone,
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