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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

    2990Enter the Duke of Yorke with Drum and souldiers,
    Yorke. In Armes from Ireland comes Yorke amaine,
    Ring belles aloud, bonfires perfume the ayre,
    2995To entertaine faire Englands royall King.
    Ah Sancta Maiesta, who would not buy thee deare?
    Enter the Duke of Buckingham.
    But soft, who comes here Buckingham, what newes with him?
    Buc. Yorke, if thou meane well, I greete thee so.
    Yorke. Humphrey of Buckingham, welcome I svveare:
    What comes thou in loue or as a Messenger?
    Buc. I come as a Messenger from our dread Lord and soueraign,
    3010Henry. To knovv the reason of these Armes in peace?
    Or that thou being a subiect as I am,
    Shouldst thus approach so neare vvith colours spred,
    Whereas the person of the King doth keepe?
    3015Yorke. A subiect as he is.
    Oh hovv I hate these spitefull abiect termes,
    But Yorke dissemble, till thou meete thy sonnes,
    3017.1Who novv in Armes expect their fathers sight,
    And not farre hence I knovv they cannot be.
    Humphrey Duke of Buckingham, pardon me,
    3025That I ansvvearde not at first, my mind vvas troubled,
    I came to remoue that monstrous Rebell Cade,
    And heaue proud Somerset from out the Court,
    That basely yeelded vp the Tovvnes in France.
    3030Buc. Why that vvas presumption on thy behalfe,
    But if it be no othervvise but so,
    The King doth pardon thee, and granst to thy request,
    And Somerset is sent vnto the Tovver.
    Yorke. Vpon thine honour is it so?
    3035Buc. Yorke, he is vpon mine honour.
    York. Then before thy face, I here dismisse my troopes,
    Sirs, meete me to morrovv in saint Georges fields,
    And there you shall receiue your paie of me.
    3039.1Exet souldiers.
    Buc. Come York, thou shalt go speake vnto the King,
    3047.1But see, his grace is comming to meete vvith vs.
    Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
    Enter King Henry.
    King. How now Buckingham, is Yorke friends with vs,
    3050That thus thou bringst him hand in hand with thee?
    Buc. He is my Lord, and hath dischargde his troopes
    Which came with him, but as your grace did say,
    To heaue the Duke of Somerset from hence,
    3055And to subdue the Rebels that vvere vp.
    3055.1King. Then vvelcome cousin Yorke, giue me thy hand,
    And thankes for thy great seruice done to vs,
    Against those traitorous Irish that rebeld.
    Enter maister Eyden vvith Iacke Cades head.
    Eyden. Long liue Henry in triumphant peace,
    Lo here my Lord vpon my bended knees,
    3060I here present the traitorous head of Cade,
    That hand to hand in single fight I slue.
    King. First thanks to heauen, & next to thee my friend,
    3062.1That hast subdude that vvicked traitor thus.
    Oh let me see that head that in his life,
    3063.1Did vvorke me and my land such cruell spight,
    A visage sterne, cole blacke his curled locks,
    Deepe trenched furrovves in his frovvning brovv,
    Presageth vvarlike humors in his life.
    3070Here take it hence and thou for thy revvard,
    Shalt be immediatly created Knight.
    Kneele dovvne my friend, and tell me vvhats thy name?
    Eyden. Alexander Eyden, if it please your grace,
    A poore Esquire of Kent.
    King. Then rise vp sir Alexander Eyden knight,
    And for thy maintenance, I freely giue
    A thousand markes a yeare to maintaine thee,
    3074.1Beside the firme revvard that vvas proclaimde,
    For those that could performe this vvorthie act,
    And thou shalt vvaight vpon the person of the king.
    3075Eyden. I humbly thank your grace, and I no longer liue,
    Then I proue iust and loyall to my king. (Exet.
    Enter the Queene vvith the Duke of Somerset.
    King. O Buckingham see vvhere Somerset comes,
    Bid him go hide himselfe till Yorke be gone.
    H Queene.
    The first part of the contention of the two famous
    3080Queene. He shall not hide himselfe for feare of Yorke,
    But beard and braue him proudly to his face.
    Yorke. Whose that, proud Somerset at libertie?
    Base fearefull Henry that thus dishonor'st me,
    By heauen, thou shalt not gouerne ouer me:
    I cannot brooke that Traitors presence here,
    Nor will I subiect be to such a King,
    3090That knowes not how to gouerne nor to rule,
    Resigne thy Crowne proud Lancaster to me,
    That thou vsurped hast so long by force,
    For now is Yorke resolu'd to claime his owne,
    And rise aloft into faire Englands Throane.
    Somer. Proud Traitor, I arest thee on high treason,
    Against thy soueraigne Lord, yeeld thee false Yorke,
    For here I sweare, thou shalt vnto the Tower,
    3103.1For these proud words which thou hast giuen the king.
    Yorke. Thou art deceiued, my sonnes shalbe my baile,
    And send thee there in dispight of him.
    Hoe, where are you boyes?
    Queene. Call Clifford hither presently.
    Enter the Duke of Yorkes sonnes, Edward the Earle of March, and
    3117.1 crook-backe Richard, at the one doore, with Drumme and sol-
    diers, and at the other doore, enter Clifford and his sonne, with
    3119.1 Drumme and souldiers, and Clifford kneeles to Henry, and
    Cliff. Long liue my noble Lord, and soueraigne King.
    Yorke. We thanke thee Clifford.
    Nay, do not affright vs with thy lookes,
    3125If thou didst mistake, we pardon thee, kneele againe.
    Cliff. Why, I did no way mistake, this is my King.
    What is he mad? to Bedlam with him.
    King. I, a bedlam frantike humor driues him thus
    3130To leauy Armes against his lawfull King.
    Clif. Why doth not your grace send him to the Tower?
    Queene. He is arested, but will not obey,
    His sonnes he saith, shall be his baile.
    3135Yorke. How say you boyes, will you not?
    Edward. Yes noble father, if our words will serue.
    Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
    Richard. And if our words will not, our swords shall.
    Yorke. Call hither to the stake, my two rough beares.
    King. Call Buckingham, and bid him Arme himselfe.
    Yorke. Call Buckingham and all the friends thou hast,
    Both thou and they, shall curse this fatall houre.
    3145Enter at one doore, the Earles of Salsbury and VVarwicke, with
    Drumme and souldiers. And at the other, the Duke of Bucking-
    3146.1 ham, with Drumme and souldiers.
    Cliff. Are these thy beares? weele bayte them soone,
    Dispight of thee and all the friends thou hast.
    War. You had best go dreame againe,
    To keepe you from the tempest of the field.
    Clif. I am resolu'd to beare a greater storme,
    Then any thou canst coniure vp to day,
    3200And that ile write vpon thy Burgonet,
    Might I but know thee by thy houshold badge.
    VVar. Now by my fathers age, old Neuels crest,
    The Rampant Beare chaind to the ragged staffe,
    This day ile weare aloft my burgonet,
    3205As on a mountaine top the Caedar showes,
    That keepes his leaues in spight of any storme,
    Euen to affright the with the view thereof.
    Clif. And from thy burgonet will I rend the beare,
    And tread him vnderfoote with all contempt,
    3210Dispight the Beare-ward that protects him so.
    Yoong Clif. And so renowmed soueraigne to Armes,
    To quell these Traitors and their compleases.
    Richard. Fie, Charitie for shame, speake it not in spight,
    For you shall sup with Iesus Christ to night.
    3215Yoong Clif. Foule Stigmaticke thou canst not tell.
    Rich. No, for if not in heauen, youle surely sup in hell.
    3217.1Exet omnes.