H ouses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
16651150Vnder the title of Iohn Mortemer,
16801151To rai
se commotion, and by that meanes
16811153Do a
ct the claime and hou
se of Yorke,
16851154Then if he haue
sse in his a
16861155From Ireland then comes Yorke againe,
16871156To reape the harue
st which that coy
16821157Now if he
should be taken and condemd,
16831158Heele nere confe
sse that I did
set him on,
1683.11159And therefore ere I go ile
send him word,
1683.41162To ri
se in Armes with troupes of country
1683.51163To helpe him to performe this enterpri
16881164And then Duke Humphrey, he well made away,
1688.11165None then can
stop the light to Englands Crowne,
1688.21166But Yorke can tame and headlong pull them downe
16901168 Then the Curtaines being drawne, Duke Humphrey is discouered 16911169in his bed, and two men lying on his brest and smothering him 1691.11170in his bed. And then enter the Duke of Suffolke to them. 16971171Suffolk. How now
sirs, what haue you di
spatcht him?
16981172One. I my Lord, hees dead I warrant you.
17021173Suffolke. Then
see the cloathes laid
smooth about him
1702.11174That when the King comes, he may perceiue
1702.21175No other, but that he dide of his owne accord
170411762. All things is han
some now my Lord.
17051177Suffolke. Then draw the Curtaines againe and get you gone,
17001178And you
shall haue your
firme reward anon.
17061180 Then enter the King and Queene, the Duke of Buckingham, and 17071181 the Duke of Somerset, and the Cardinall. 17091182King. My Lord of Su
ffolke go call our vnkle Glo
17101183Tell him this day we will that he do cleare him
17121184Suffolke. I will my Lord.
Exet Suffolke. 17131186King. And good my Lords proceed no further again
st our vnkle
(Gloster, Then