Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
30491985King. How now Buckingham, is Yorke friends with vs,
30501986That thus thou bring
st him hand in hand with thee?
30511987Buc. He is my Lord, and hath di
schargde his troopes
30521988Which came with him, but as your grace did
30541989To heaue the Duke of Somer
set from hence,
30551990And to
subdue the Rebels that vvere vp.
3055.11991King. Then vvelcome cou
sin Yorke, giue me thy hand,
3055.21992And thankes for thy great
seruice done to vs,
st tho
se traitorous Iri
sh that rebeld.
30571994Enter maister Eyden vvith Iacke Cades head. 30581995Eyden. Long liue Henry in triumphant peace,
30591996Lo here my Lord vpon my bended knees,
30601997I here pre
sent the traitorous head of Cade,
30611998That hand to hand in
fight I
30621999King. Fir
st thanks to heauen, & next to thee my friend,
3062.12000That ha
st subdude that vvicked traitor thus.
30632001Oh let me
see that head that in his life,
3063.12002Did vvorke me and my land
such cruell
3063.22003A vi
sterne, cole blacke his curled locks,
3063.32004Deepe trenched furrovves in his frovvning brovv,
30702006Here take it hence and thou for thy revvard,
30712007Shalt be immediatly created Knight.
30672008Kneele dovvne my friend, and tell me vvhats thy name?
30682009Eyden. Alexander Eyden, if it plea
se your grace,
30722011King. Then ri
se vp
sir Alexander Eyden knight,
30732012And for thy maintenance, I freely giue
30742013A thou
sand markes a yeare to maintaine thee,
side the
firme revvard that vvas proclaimde,
3074.22015For tho
se that could performe this vvorthie a
3074.32016And thou
shalt vvaight vpon the per
son of the king.
30752017Eyden. I humbly thank your grace, and I no longer liue,
30762018Then I proue iu
st and loyall to my king.
(Exet. 30772019Enter the Queene vvith the Duke of Somerset. 30782020King. O Buckingham
see vvhere Somer
set comes,
30792021Bid him go hide him
selfe till Yorke be gone.
H Queene.