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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

    Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
    Humphrey. As how, my Lord?
    Suffolke. As you, my Lord. And it like your Lordly
    Lords Protectorship.
    750Humphrey. Why Suffolke, England knowes thy insolence.
    Queene. And thy ambition Gloster.
    King. Cease gentle Queene, and whet not on these furious
    Lordes to wrath, for blessed are the peace-makers on
    755Card. Let me be blessed for the peace I make,
    Against this proud Protector with my sword.
    Humphrey. Faith holy vnckle, I would it were come to that,
    Cardinall. Euen when thou darest.
    758.1Humphrey. Dare. I tell thee Priest, Plantagenets could neuer
    brooke the dare.
    Card. I am Plantagenet as well as thou, and sonne to Iohn of
    758.5Humph. In Bastardie.
    Cardin. I scorne thy words.
    Humph. Make vp no factious numbers, but euen in thine own
    person meete me at the East end of the groue.
    763.1Card. Heres my hand, I will.
    King. Why how now Lords?
    765Card. Faith Cousin Gloster, had not your man cast off so soone,
    we had had more sport to day, Come with thy swoord
    and buckler.
    775Humphrey. Faith Priest, Ile shaue your Crowne.
    Cardinall. Protector, protect thy selfe well.
    King. The wind growes high, so doth your chollour Lords.
    Enter one crying, A miracle, a miracle.
    How now, now sirrha, what miracle is it?
    790One. And it please your grace, there is a man that came blinde
    to S. Albones, and hath receiued his sight at his shrine.
    King. Goe fetch him hither, that wee may glorifie the Lord
    with him.
    795Enter the Maior of Saint Albones and his brethren with
    Musicke, bearing the man that had bene blind,
    796.1betweene two in a chaire.
    King. Thou happie man, giue God eternall praise,