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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

    Enter Elnor, with sir Iohn Hum, Koger Bullenbrooke a Coniurer,
    619.1and Margery Iourdaine a Witch.
    Elnor. Here sir Iohn, take this scrole of paper here,
    Wherein is writ the questions you shall aske,
    And I will stand vpon this Tower here,
    619.5And here the spirit what it saies to you,
    And to my questions, write the answeres downe.
    She goes vp to the Tower.
    632.1Sir Iohn. Now sirs begin and cast your spels about,
    And charme the fiendes for to obey your wils,
    And tell Dame Elnor of the thing she askes.
    Witch. Then Roger Bullinbrooke about thy taske,
    And frame a Cirkle here vpon the earth,
    630Whilst I thereon all prostrate on my face,
    643.1Do talke and whisper with the diuels be low,
    And coniure them for to obey my will.
    She lies downe vpon her face.
    Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
    Bullenbrooke makes a Cirkle.
    Bullen. Darke Night, dread Night, the silence of the Night,
    Wherein the Furies maske in hellish troupes,
    Send vp I charge you from Sosetus lake,
    650The spirit Askalon to come to me,
    650.1To pierce the bowels of this Centricke earth,
    And hither come in twinkling of an eye,
    Askalon, Assenda, Assenda.
    645It thunders and lightens, and then the spirit
    riseth vp.
    Spirit. Now Bullenbrooke what wouldst thou haue me do?
    655Bullen. First of the King, what shall become of him?
    Spirit. The Duke yet liues that Henry shall depose,
    But him out liue, and dye a violent death.
    Bullen. What fate awayt the Duke of Suffolke.
    660Spirit. By water shall he die and take his ende.
    Bullen. What shall betide the Duke of Somerset?
    Spirit. Let him shun Castles, safer shall he be vpon the sandie
    plaines, then where Castles mounted stand.
    665Now question me no more, for I must hence againe.
    He sinkes downe againe.
    Bullen. Then downe I say, vnto the damned poule
    666.1Where Pluto in his firie Waggon sits.
    Ryding amidst the singde and parched smoakes,
    The Rode of Dytas by the Riuer Stykes,
    There howle and burne for euer in those flames,
    666.5Rise Iordaine rise, and staie thy charming Spels.
    Sonnes, we are betraide.
    Enter the Duke of Yorke, and the Duke of
    670Buckingham, and others.
    Yorke. Come sirs, laie hands on them,and bind them sure,
    This time was well watcht. What Madame are you there?
    675This will be great credit for your husband,
    That your are plotting Treasons thus with Cuniurers,
    676.1The King shall haue notice of this thing.
    Exet Elnor aboue.
    Buc. See here my Lord what the diuell hath writ.
    Yorke. Giue it me my Lord, Ile show it to the King.
    C Go
    The first part of the contention of the two famous
    Go sirs, see them fast lockt in prison.
    684.1Exet with them.
    Bucking. My Lord, I pray you let me go post vnto the King,
    Vnto S. Albones, to tell this newes.
    Yorke. Content. Away then, about it straight.
    709.1Buck. Farewell my Lord.
    Exet Buckingham.
    710Yorke. Whose within there?
    Enter one.
    711.1One. My Lord.
    Yorke. Sirrha, go will the Earles of Salsbury and Warwicke, to
    sup with me to night. Exet Yorke.
    713.1One. I will my Lord.