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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

    The first part of the contention of the two famous
    Cade. I feare neither sword nor fire
    VVill. He need not feare the sword, for his coate is of proofe.
    2380Dicke. But mee thinkes he should feare the fire, being so often
    burnt in the hand, for stealing of sheepe.
    Cade. Therefore be braue, for your Captain is braue, and vowes
    reformation: you shall haue seuen half-penny loaues for a penny,
    and the three hoopt pot, shall haue ten hoopes, and it shall be felo-
    2385ny to drinke small beere, and if I be king, as king I will be.
    All. God saue your maiestie.
    2390Cade. I thanke you good people, you shall all eate and drinke of
    my score, and go all in my liuerie, and weele haue no writing, but
    2391.1the score & the Tally, and there shalbe no lawes but such as comes
    from my mouth.
    Dicke. We shall haue sore lawes then, for he was thrust into the
    mouth the other day.
    2391.5George. I and stinking law too, for his breath stinks so, that one
    cannot abide it.
    Enter VVill with the Clarke of Chattam.
    2402.1Will. Oh Captaine a pryze.
    Cade. Whose that Will?
    VVill. The Clarke of Chattam, he can write and reade and cast
    account, I tooke him setting of boyes coppies, and hee has a booke
    in his pocket with red letters.
    Cade. Sonnes, hees a coniurer bring him hither.
    Now sir, whats your name?
    Clarke. Emanuell sir, and it shall please you.
    Dicke. It will go hard with you, I can tell you,
    For they vse to write that oth top of letters.
    Cade. And what do you vse to write your name?
    2420Or do you as auncient forefathers haue done,
    Vse the score and the Tally?
    Clarke. Nay, true sir, I praise God I haue bene so well brought
    vp, that I can write mine owne name.
    Cade. Oh hes confest, go hang him with his penny-inckhorne
    about his necke. Exet one with the Clarke.
    Enter Tom.
    Tom. Captaine. Newes, newes, sir Humphrey Stafford and his
    brother are comming with the kings power, and mean to kil vs all.