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  • Title: Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

  • Copyright Internet Shakespeare Editions. This text may be freely used for educational, non-proift purposes; for all other uses contact the Coordinating Editor.
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Not Peer Reviewed

    Henry VI, Part 2 (Quarto 1, 1594)

    Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
    Do and vndo as if our selfe were here.
    Queen. What wil your highnesse leaue the Parlament?
    King. I Margaret. My heart is kild with griefe,
    Where I may sit and sigh in endlesse mone,
    For who's a Traitor, Gloster he is none.
    1523.1Exet King, Salsbury, and VVarwicke.
    Queene. Then sit we downe againe my Lord Cardinall,
    1524.1Suffolke, Buckingham, Yorke, and Somerset.
    Let vs consult of proud Duke Humphries fall.
    1535In mine opinion it were good he dide,
    For safetie of our King and Common-wealth.
    1540Suffolke. And so thinke I Madame, for as you know,
    1540.1If our King Henry had shooke hands with death,
    Duke Humphrey then would looke to be our King:
    And it may be by pollicie he workes,
    To bring to passe the thing which now we doubt,
    The Foxe barkes not when he would steale the Lambe,
    But if we take him ere he do the deed,
    We should not question if that he should liue.
    No. Let him die, in that he is a Foxe,
    Least that in liuing he offend vs more.
    1575Car. Then let him die before the Commons know,
    For feare that they do rise in Armes for him.
    1576.1Yorke. Then do it sodainly my Lords.
    1580Suffol. Let that be my Lord Cardinals charge & mine.
    1580.1Car. Agreed, for hee's already kept within my house.
    Enter a Messenger.
    1584.1Queene. How now sirrha, what newes?
    1585Messen. Madame I bring you newes from Ireland,
    The wilde Onele my Lords, is vp in Armes,
    1586.1With troupes of Irish Kernes that vncontrold,
    Doth plant themselues within the English pale.
    Queene. What redresse shal we haue for this my Lords?
    Yorke. Twere very good that my Lord of Somerset
    That fortunate Champion were sent ouer,
    1594.1And burnes and spoiles the Country as they goe.
    E To