Houses, of Yorke and Lancaster.
14961076Do and vndo as if our
selfe were here.
14971077Queen. What wil your highne
sse leaue the Parlament?
14991078King. I Margaret. My heart is kild with griefe,
15221079Where I may
sit and
sigh in endle
sse mone,
15231080For who's a Traitor, Glo
ster he is none.
15241082Queene. Then
sit we downe againe my Lord Cardinall,
ffolke, Buckingham, Yorke, and Somer
15341084Let vs con
sult of proud Duke Humphries fall.
15351085In mine opinion it were good he dide,
safetie of our King and Common-wealth.
15401087Suffolke. And
so thinke
I Madame, for as you know,
1540.11088If our King Henry had
shooke hands with death,
1541.21089Duke Humphrey then would looke to be our King:
1090And it may be by pollicie he workes,
1541.31091To bring to pa
sse the thing which now we doubt,
15541092The Foxe barkes not when he would
steale the Lambe,
15561093But if we take him ere he do the deed,
should not que
stion if that he
should liue.
15591095No. Let him die, in that he is a Foxe,
st that in liuing he o
ffend vs more.
15751097Car. Then let him die before the Commons know,
15761098For feare that they do ri
se in Armes for him.
15801100Suffol. Let that be my Lord Cardinals charge & mine.
1580.11101Car. Agreed, for hee's already kept within my hou
15851104Messen. Madame I bring you newes from Ireland,
15861105The wilde Onele my Lords, is vp in Armes,
1586.11106With troupes of Iri
sh Kernes that vncontrold,
15871107Doth plant them
selues within the Engli
sh pale.
15921108Queene. What redre
shal we haue for this my Lords?
15931109Yorke. Twere very good that my Lord of Somer
15941110That fortunate Champion were
sent ouer,
1594.11111And burnes and
spoiles the Country as they goe.
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